Thursday, November 4, 2010

Getting Ready for the Snow

I know we don’t want to think about this but the time is almost here.  We will wake up one morning to beautiful white snowflakes falling and then remember:  We have to go outside, walk and drive in it.  Are you ready?

Here is a list of things to consider so you are prepared, around your house, when the first snow falls:
·         Check your snow blower, to make sure it’s working and purchase fuel for it, if needed.
ü  Safety:  Don’t ever put your hands/feet near the blades of a snow blower while on, turn it off before checking for a jam.
ü  Safety:  Keep all shields in place at all times.
·         Mark your driveway edges with driveway markers, make sure obstacles that might not be seen with snow on the ground are marked (ex. Ornamental plants, lawn décor)
·         Pull anything in from sidewalks that could get caught in snow blower (ex. Hose guides)
·         Put your shovels close to the garage and front/back door to shovel driveways and sidewalks
·         Buy a bag of salt to have near your shovels to spread out after shoveling or snow blowing.
·         Get out your warm gloves, hats, coats and boots.  You want to bundle up when you go into the cold weather.
Check out our prior blog on ‘Weatherizing Your Home.’
Look for our next blog on vehicle preparation for snow and cold weather.  Have a safe and fun winter!

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