Halloween and Trick-Or-Treating is a fun party of the fall season. We hope you go out and enjoy yourselves and have fun with your family. Here are some quick tips on how to make your Halloween safe!
P - Plan a route. Make sure you and your parents know where you are going before you head out to trick-or-treat.
U - Use caution while walking around. Stay in groups, hold hands while crossing the street.
M - Make yourself visable. Make sure to wear something that can be seen in the dark. Glow jewelry or flashlights.
P - Pass up unlight houses. If the lights are off then move to the next house.
K - Kindness counts. Make sure to say 'Please' and 'Thank you' when trick-or-treating.
I - Inspect all candy. Make sure your parents go through and check all your candy before you start eating it.
N - Nutritious Meal. Eat a healthy meal before you head out so you are not tempted to eat before inspection.
S - See what's around you. If you are wearing a mask, make sure you can clearly see in front and to the sides.
These are great things to consider and go over as a family and with friends before you begin your Halloween celebration! Enjoy and Be Safe.
These are great tips for families of all ages. Never too old to review these tips no matter how many times you've heard them. Appreciate it, Happy Halloween!